Friday, December 24, 2010

Babe on Board

Another lazy morning and I was nearing one of the many signals (in my brand new car) to cross before I reach my office. Suddenly one vehicle zoomed past mine and screeched to a halt just in front of mine at the signal. I had to apply break and my laptop fell from the seat. I tried to look through the rear glass of that car to see who the driver was. But only the sticker ‘Baby on Board’ drew my attention. Gave some ‘gallies’ and continued driving. At the next signal saw the same vehicle was waiting in the next lane. Made effort to draw attention of the driver to give a dirty look. Found the driver to be a young lady. Huh... no wonder. I only hoped there was no baby in the car as otherwise the baby would have fallen down like my laptop unless ‘click clacked’ to the seat belt. Probably the sticker ‘Baby on board’ should be put in front to caution these type of drivers and not for those behind.
I have always considered myself a safe driver and give respect to fellow drivers on road by following traffic rules. Over the years I have seen 3 types of hazardous drivers –
One who always maintain 10-20 kms of less speed than permitted (very safe drivers – but a pain for others). The movement they see speed camera detector, they further reduce the speed! It’s ridiculous.
Second are those who drive on the fast lane and don’t care about the speed limits or cameras and end up paying hefty fine!
Third, who I dread a lot, are those who drive in fast lane at more than permitted speed and the movement they see a speed camera detector, they suddenly reduce the speed. They are a real pain.
My cell phone rang and it was my vehicle salesman.
Sir, today is the last day for registering your new vehicle or else you may end up paying fine. Reluctant to pay any fine I made couple of calls to my office to say I will be late and headed straight to the vehicle registration office.
My turn came after 30 minutes of wait and the officer at the counter said to my shock ‘you have to pay fine’.
Fine? For what?
Sir, your previous car. You had over sped on two occasions. Do you want to know the date and locations?
Me? No way, it’s not possible.
Sir, I have records to prove. Please pay the fine so that I can register your new car.
I asked - Is there any way you can reduce the fine (Heard from friends that they do).
He said something in Arabic and everybody around me laughed loudly. I asked the guy who accompanied me ‘what is so funny in the officer said’.
He translated - ‘you pay 5 digit figure for the new car, but don’t want to pay a small fine’.
I couldn’t resist rebutting. Said, ‘But I get something in return for paying that much’.
He said, ‘Oh! Don’t you get thrill when you over speed. Don’t you think you are putting others life in danger. Actually you should pay more fine since you endanger others life’.
My guy whispered ‘just pay the fine and I have other things to do’. I reluctantly paid the fine and walked out.
Sat in the car and started wondering how different am I from the ‘Babe on Board’ or my categorisation of hazardous drivers?

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